St. Bernard’s Pre School

Education Centre

Announcement 30th September 2024: –
We are very sad to announce that this will be our last year managing St. Bernard’s Pre School Education Centre. We are incredibly grateful for the support we have received from families over many years and we have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming little faces in and being a part of their learning journey beginings. Simran McDaid, from the Little Childcare Company, will be taking over from the beginning of July 2025. Please keep an eye out on www.thelittlechildcarecompany.family and the EA website www.eani.org.uk/parents/admissions/pre-school-admissions-guide for information relating to Admissions/Criteria for the new intake year of 2025-2026 and for information relating to Open Day. For now we want to take this opportunity to thank you all and we certainly wish that the future of St. Bernard’s Pre School is bright and sunny! This website will stand down November 2024.

– Mrs Kylie Scott & Ms Donna Mulhern

AUGUST 2024 – Please note that the email address stbernardspsec@btconnect.com is no longer is use. If you need to get in touch you can email Ms Donna Mulhern (Manager) by using our stbernardspsec@gmail.com address or contact Mrs Kylie Scott (Leader) using kyliescott.stbernardspreschool@hotmail.com

At St. Bernard’s PSEC, we work hard to promote an inclusive environment for all children; regardless of ethnic origin or religious beliefs. We have created a holistic environment where our children feel a sense of belonging and through our keyworker approach – ratio of 1 staff member to 8 children, we are able to pay close attention to the interests and current development of each individual child; finding the right balance between children’s self-chosen play and experiences planned by adults. 


Please refer to the link below for our Prospectus for intake 2024-2025 : –

Pre School Applications

Thursday 25th April 2024 Parents will receive an email from the Education Authority Admissions Department to confirm Pre School allocated places (outcome of your application) for 2024-2025. If you …

Happy New Year to all!

Happy New Year to all of our Pre School families (past, present and future!). We hope that everyone had a restful Christmas and we’re all ready to go for Term 2. We look forward to seeing the children…

The Wonderful…OddSocks! (Fizz Whizz Pop)

We had our usual Christmas visitor come and put a show on for the children as part of their Christmas celebrations. We absolutely love Fizz Whizz Pop…and she always put on a wonderful, belly-laughin…

It’s Christmas time….

At Extended Service, we felt it was just about time to get the Christmas tree up! The Extended Service children enjoyed decorating the tree all by themselves and they are as proud as punch with their …

Important dates for the Admissions Process

Our Admissions Criteria will be released on the Education Authority website on the 12th December. Please also refer to our Admissions page on our website for more information. Application process open…

Phone number changed

Our old contact number is no longer in operation please contact the Pre School on 07561759647 or you can email the Pre School Leader Kylie Scott on: kyliescott.stbernardspreschool@hotmail.com

New parents

Parent information and admissions process

The school day

Our daily routine and the pre school curriculum


Giving you an insight of everything we get up to

Get in touch

T: 07561759647
Send email >

Where to find us

St. Bernard’s Pre School Education Centre
Wynchurch Walk

Call us

T: 07561759647