This week the children made ‘Superhero Salads at our mud kitchen area! Ms Mulhern provided children with a range of different vegetables, herbs, spices and oils throughout the week to encourage experimentation and exploration! Everything from beetroot to avocado from garlic to orange oil, it was certainly a wonderful sensory experience for children (and us adults too!). The salad combinations that the children created, we have to admit, would definitely be cafĂ© sell outs and definitely Superhero-worthy! Of the back of salad creating, the children requested if they could make salads for our non-bake day at Extended Service! This was a wonderful follow on activity that promoted those all important hand-eye coordination and fine manipulative skills – cutting and preparing all of the lovely vegetables. At Extended Service, the children enjoy creating a variety of sweet and savoury treats to bring home and share with their family and a summer salad was a perfect idea for the welcome sunny weather!