Videos by Triplevision Productions!

Just before the Christmas break we had Triplevision Productions come in and record show-around videos of the Pre School! Triplevision Productions are a production company from Northern Ireland and Eamonn Devlin (the Company Director) happens to also be a past parent of our Pre School! Whilst this was completely out of our comfort zone, Eamonn and Emmett have done a fantastic job making us look professional and documenting the Pre School in a way that best showcases what we are all about! We also found it was important to include all of the staff in the videos as we have a close-knit team with a range of talents and skills that all go into the provision that we provide Pre School children.

Our videos will be able to be viewed via our website from this week and we just want to take this opportunity to thank Triplevision Productions for taking the time and commitment in creating our show-around videos.

To find out more about Triplevision Productions go to –